Monday, January 02, 2006


I'm sure you've often wondered how the "box office estimates" are calculated. As in "Narnia edges Kong at the box office".

Okay, maybe you haven't wondered.

Regardless, here's the explaination. The jist of the article - studio execs guess, most of the time they're right on, under certain circumstances they're off, why estimate when you can just wait for the real numbers?

PS Saw Narnia at Jackson's Historic State Theatre while I was home (this was my "history" in my hometown). The Jesus references are so strong it blows my mind that some people don't notice them in the movie, though I didn't catch them in the book. Granted, I was 8 y.o. when I read the book.


At January 03, 2006 4:17 PM, Blogger AMF said...

At the Christmas Eve service at my parents Church, the 35 min sermon was based on this movie. It was so long and boring I couldn't focus. Not to mention it was so hot in church. Apparently the pastor told the entire movie throughout the sermon. Lutherans!


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