Thursday, December 23, 2004

The Amazing Internet, again

I listened to a program on NPR today and meant to write down a website mentioned but didn't. I got home tonite and was able to go the public radio website, find the program, find the segment, and listen to the show. How cool is that? I was once again incredibly impressed with the internet. Good work NPR. Here's the segment I re-listened to - about vodka marketing, fun.

The website referred to was which is sort of a news-of-the-weird site I guess? I liked this article I found there. Please note the comment that "Jesus would have done the same thing". Yeah...

The NPR discussion involved a caller that shared the news that running cheap ass plastic bottle through a Brita filter several times will make it "indistinguishable" from top shelf. Finding this idea to be a good one if true, I googled it and found out that apparently I didn't get the memo on this one (or about the TPS report) but lots of people have been testing this theory. Not sure if I trust their research or if I need to conduct my own or at least have a testamonial from someone I know who tests this - any volunteers?

Finally, I'm blogging while watching Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind. I'm finding it as unenjoyable as Adaptation, the last movie I quit watching half-way through. I'm disappointed because I had a couple of people told me this was good but I'm not feeling it. Lo siento.


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