Liquor ads and the Amish
I've noticed a lot of hard liquor advertisements on TV in the last few weeks - I'm sure with the holiday season that's the reason. And this got me thinking about if there had been a rule about hard liqour ads and this was what I found. Interesting... PS The facts are only from an anti-drinking advocacy group b/c I couldn't find that info anywhere else. I also couldn't find past years spending vs. this year but I think it's gone up a lot, my laymen point of view.
By the way, I really want liquor to be spelled liqour but it's not. Just thought you'd like to know.
And on a (non)related note, just in case you have an Amish wedding in your future - here are some tips on dressing and gift-giving. Don't ask how I found this but I find it ironic that a website gives such specific instructions on these things considering that most Amish wedding participants and attendees would also be Amish and thus don't use the internet. Or do they? I don't think it's allowed.
By the way is fun - lots of funny step-by-step directions. I like this one.
So, "Margaritaville" is among the top ten advertised liquor products. It must not be $$$ well spent, as my first thought was "what the f#%$ is Margaritaville...besides a Jimmy Buffett song, of course?"
So, totally unrelated to Amish weddings and booze, I just wanted to point out that I did not make up the word doppelganger, because I don't even know this guy and he said it:
It's in the little story about the sweater.
This is the guy who did that senior picture thing Christina sent out. Entertaining.
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