Wednesday, January 19, 2005

All the President's Men

All the President's Men takes on a whole new meaning when the History Channel's series on The Presidents (which I'm watching right now) announces that James Buchannan was likely the nation's first gay president. Um, you think - he lived with a man for 16 years and his nickname was Nancy. But, as the show's commentators note, "It's hard to prove these types of things today, let alone looking back at a man 150 years ago."

Nancy? I say it's not that hard.

PS Highly recommend the series, chronicles each president's term and gives fun trivia notes. Here's one now: What President never was registered to vote prior to being elected Pres, and didn't even vote in his own election? 1 beer at Mary's wedding to the first person to get it right. If you're not going to Mary's wedding, don't even bother answering cause it doesn't carry over.


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