Saturday, January 15, 2005

Jamie Foxx

I'm watching Inside the Actors Studio with Jamie Foxx. It's fun. What's scary is that Jamie Foxx was explaining that his grandma liked Lionel Richie's hair so he started growing it out. When he said that he didn't use Jeri Curl, but Cali Curl instead, James Lipton knew that Cali Curl produced larger curls than Jeri Curl. I don't know much about either one, but Jamie looked as surprised as I did that Mr. Lipton was up on Curl products for ethnic hair. Funny.

Jamie Foxx quotable- "Bill Clinton is the closest thing to a black president we've ever had."

On a related black comedian note, I listened to this piece with Dave Chapelle rebroadcast earlier this month. When Dave Chapelle is on public radio, you sort of do a double take - it is funny. Take a listen.


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