Monday, January 17, 2005

Let the blogging begin

So here begins the tale of our Caribbean vacation... Here are the highlights:
  • As I mentioned before, John's luggage was lost - mind you, we flew non-stop BOS-MIA. It finally arrived on our boat on Wednesday night (4 days after we landed in Miami). Nice work American Airlines. We found out that it went from Boston-Costa Rica-Miami-Mexico City-Cozumel. I wish John got the frequent flier miles for the trip his bag took.
  • American gave us $250 to buy clothes for John to get him through until his bag showed - on Sunday night they granted us this $ but when I spoke with them Tues afternoon, they wouldn't give us any more since we still didn't have the bag. Oh, there'll be some letter writing about that, don't worry.
  • In Miami, the weather was nice, we wandered the beach, ate at the News Cafe (which gives iDine $, I just found out), and avoided the Khaki Pants/Navy Blazer gang that had overrun South Beach. From reading their nametags they wore 24/7 (classy, guys) it appears they were part of an insurance meeting. Literally, hundreds of guys wandering (bars, clubs, the beach) wearing Khaki Pants and Navy Blazers. Scary.
  • On to the ship, to be continued.


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