Wednesday, January 19, 2005

Thoughts of the day

  • What % of the population spends their morning drive flipping between NPR and Howard Stern? I'm 1. I'm guessing there's about 82 of us nationally for appx 0% of the US with this routine.

  • I was driving in flurries today when a red, late model Mazda Miata convertible drove by me. I almost drove by blaring my horn at them and flicking them off with the sole reason being to let them know they're stupid. There should be a law stating that North of the Mason Dixon line, Miatas are illegal unless you have a winter car which you'd be required to drive October-April.

  • Aaron Karo needs to abandon the email list distribution and start a blog. I might just email him to tell him to join the rest of the world (of bloggers).
  • Dirty Airplane Water. I thought they meant the water served on the drink cart (which they're not) but still icky. Ick.

  • During Here and Now today, commentators discussed Laura Bush and the twins' influence on the presidency, how they've changed over the last 4 years, etc. The takeaway - part of the reason W is not planning a big anti-abortion movement in term numero dos could be because in his household, he'd be outvoted on abortion 3-1. I'm not sure if I believe this is true but if NPR says so it is.

  • Contest #2 (don't miss the Presidential quiz) If you have not flown Northwest Airlines for WorldPerks miles since Jan 1 2004 (or if you never have) let's talk. There's a promotion - you win, I win. Plus you will get a free beer at Mary's wedding (again, doesn't carryover if you're skipping out on the festivities).

  • Speaking of Mary's wedding, am I the only one that RSVPed and was almost surprised I didn't get to see other people's responses. As in Evite. If you have not yet RSVPed, do so but have your expectations adjusted. You've been warned, it's no Evite. Classier but no Evite.


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