Wednesday, February 09, 2005

The Battle of the Ridiculous

What do you think - which of the following is more ridiculous? The Buster the Bunny debate, or the Virginia law regarding pants that allow undergarments to show.


The Virginia law, which I will personally inform Russell of so he isn't in court for being black and dressing black, seems to skew against black people. I'm just saying. And I can think of many other outfits/garmets that appear in a "lewd or indecent manner." Namely, the 60+ year old woman with a gut that Alicia saw in a MA mall wearing a Playboy velour track suit. Maybe we'll outlaw those here, soon. So silly.

In reference to the PBS cartoon, Postcards from Buster, I must first apologize for not blogging about this last week when the debate happened. The Sec'y of Ed's comments almost made me throw up - I thought she may follow-up with a statement about gays not being allowed to show affection in public in case children were watching and their parents didn't want them exposed to that lifestyle, or that, perhaps, blacks should move to the back of the bus so children aren't exposed to them, either. WTF? I'm glad MN is airing the episode in March, the Boston channel went against the recommendation and aired it as scheduled earlier this month.


At February 09, 2005 9:33 PM, Blogger Alicia said...

Why does the Sec'y of Education's opinion matter anyway. Apparently gays aren't only evil, they'll also give your children learning disabilities....?????
Plus, I hear they all sleep upside down.


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