Monday, February 28, 2005

A picture is worth a thousand words

And thank god because otherwise I would've had to have typed out 19,000 words and to be honest I'm just not up for it. The following pictures show the events as I saw they played out on Saturday, February 26 in White Bear Lake, MN.

Please note: The pictures are all in chronological order - reading top to bottom will give you a compressed slideshow of what I saw at Mary's Wedding. Content may be offensive - but not too much; my mom reads my blog so anything I wouldn't want her to see has been left off. Also, anything Mary would be offended by has been left off because I don't want to get in trouble for anything I did (or others did) at Mary's wedding. I almost didn't censor the pictures for the "will Mary see this?" factor because on Friday she told me she "doesn't get blogging" and "hasn't read it in forever".

Bejota - as grandfather of the blogging family tree, please contact Mary on our behalf and explain blogging. Thank you.

In summary, everything rocked. If you didn't have fun at Mary's wedding, you suck.


At February 28, 2005 4:11 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am so pumped to finally know your blog address. I had a blast this weekend and I concur with your statement that if you did not have fun at the wedding you indeed do suck.


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