Tasteful Balls
So Nat, Zip, and I went to dinner tonite and I found out about Natalie's secret admirer. On her walk to work, she walks by a fancy restaurant everyday and says hi to the boys that valet park there. On Monday, V-day, one of them pulled her aside and gave her a valentine. Ooh, sweet. His note said he wanted to know her name and would she have a drink with him. She is going to have a drink with him, I'll keep you posted.
Anyway, as we discussed this, we decided it was quite ballsy of him to have given her a note and asked her out with the little prior contact they had. However, Zippy stated that beyond having balls, he has "tasteful balls" because he didn't come on too strong or too creepy, he just seemed nice.
Except his name is J.D. And initials as names are not generally a good thing. Unless you're the star of Scrubs in which case it's allowable. Well, plus that's John Dorian J.D. not J.D. Somebody. It's different.
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