Saturday, March 05, 2005

2 Shot in N. Minneapolis

The top news story in Minneapolis today is that 2 people were shot in Minneapolis on Friday afternoon. A few things stood out to me regarding the story:

#1 The headline is "2 killed 'gangland style' in North Minneapolis". I'm troubled by the fact that I have absolutely no idea what "gangland style" is, and the article doesn't really explain it. Do they just mean it could be a gang related incident? I was confused.

#2 The shooting happened at the Best Steak House in N Minneapolis, cousin to the Best Steak House in not-as-sketchy NE Minneapolis which Heather hearts.

#3 The Best Steak House where the shooting occured is mere blocks from the sketchy place where I rented my truck for my move from 425 12th to 509 3rd. I joked about shootings up there but didn't think daytime shooting happened in Minneapolis so I felt safe. I guess I shouldn't have.


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