Monday, March 14, 2005

The Newseum

One of my favorite museums (yes, I do like some museums) in DC was the Newseum, chronicling the history of news. It closed in Arlington but is reopening on the Mall in DC in 2007. However, right now their website shows the front pages of hundreds of newspapers from around the world. It's super fun - check it out. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like you can enlarge them too much but you can at least read the headlines. They used to post these up in the museum daily but the online version is fun, too.

I am scared/surprised/weirded out by the fact that the Sacramento, Fresno, and Modesto papers are all called the Bee. I knew Sac's was the Bee - but why do they all have the same name? I will ask Bejota to please explain. I'm guessing they all used to be one paper but then broke off into their own???


At March 14, 2005 6:03 PM, Blogger Brad said...

Look at me jump all over this distraction...

While the 3 Bees of CA's central valley were never one "Monster Bee", they are all owned by the McClatchy conglomerate (which has also owned the Mpls Star Tribune since 1998). The 3 Cali papers share a toolshed mascot - Scoopy - designed by Walt Disney himself in 1943.

This FAQ from the Sac Bee website lists some other (non-McClatchy) Bee newspapers, including a weekly paper in Da Queen, AL. Get it?

OK back to work.


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