What's up with those Gophs?
I would like the DL on what happened with Tyler Hirsch, the Gopher hockey team's leading scorer, who did not play in Saturday night's game. Allegedly, he freaked out after Friday night's loss and was not allowed to play in Saturday's game as a result.
What's the word, my hockey peeps?
PS Fun Tyler facts - he was President of his class in HS. And he was born on 1/4/84. Are you kidding me???
PPS John Pohl's little brother.
I think he is hot, whoever he is -marc
from my former mentee, who hangs out with the hockey team on a regular basis...
"They are not saying much about Hirsh, all that I know is that he had somthing of a breakdown after the CC game. He apparently asked for a puck from the ref after shaking hands and proceded to take a penalty shot. But he did not just shoot, he ended up skating full speed into the net and pushing it out of the rink.
After his episode Lucia mentioned that he was doing alright "at least
Physicaly" Hirsch went home with his parents and did not play against UND He also didn't skate at the optional practice on Monday.
Other than that, they aren't telling us much and most of what I'm hearing is all rumor and speculation"
Did Marc really look at the picture? That kid's not hot. He's no Stuart Senden.
The news tonight is that he's back at practice after a weekend + at home. Some sort of "emotional distress," says Ch. 11 in Mpls. He may be ready to play against Maine this weekend.
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