Saturday, April 23, 2005

And speaking of the fact that the TV news sucks

After a quick Google, I found out that there are lots of stories about how much the news sucks... With all these sources, I feel like someone should write a college thesis on the subject. Here are a few of my favorites:

  • Latinos are underrepresented on TV - "A measly 1 percent of the total national TV evening news programming was devoted to coverage of 10 percent of the United States population".

I also found an article about the fact that TV shows / movies have a disproportionate number of heart attacks portrayed. MSNBC questions if the nightly news is on it's way out (the answer is yes). And the Media Research Center sounds like the name of a nonpartisan watch group -- OH NO it's crazy conservatives at it again. Scary.

I also know there was a news story about a month ago that talked about the fact that the nightly news runs very few "real" stories on health riks - most of the stories on the news are over dramatized snippets (most running less than 15 seconds) that don't give the public any good information on real health risks. I tried googling this and couldn't find it - that's the 2nd thing I haven't been able to google today - bad day.


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