Friday, April 22, 2005

A few things

  • The British shoe bomber gets a jail sentence. The article is regular news - I just like the first sentence of the report "A British man was today sentenced at the Old Bailey, London's main criminal court". I love that the main criminal court is named "Old Bailey" that's so damn cute and British.

  • With military recruitment on the decline, shouldn't the Army advertise instead of cancelling their ad agency review? Ad agency know-alls: Is it normal for companies to completely cancel their reviews? If I was working on pitching a client and they cancelled I'd be super pissed.


At April 23, 2005 9:16 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I love the link to how the purses open...because people can really struggle with that problem in the driveup, too! Just goes to show, they'll make anything if they think it will sell!


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