Thursday, April 21, 2005

More on the Pope

In case you've been dying to email the new Pope, here's his address: And if you do, CC me on it because I wonder what people email the Pope about...

And as promised, here's my idea about pulling the Papacy closer to corporate America... Conclave for CEO. You'll put all the top level CEOs in a large conference room (or if it was News America, into a midtown Manhattan movie theatre) and start conclaving. Here's my mostly unflawed reasoning:

  • If the conclave process wasn't effective, they wouldn't still be doing it 2000 years later (well this is highly debatable but let's roll with it).
  • It's a process full of rules so there's minimal confusion when Mr. CEO kicks the bucket/quits/sleeps with his co-worker and is pushed out - you just set the date, get everyone sworn to secrecy, and start voting and have the stuff to make the smoke white and black ready to go.
  • While I don't believe that the holy spirit would head over to the conference room where the CEO conclave would convene to help them choose the new HP CEO or Boeing CEO, I think that the business world can conveniently substitute shareholders/stakeholders instead of the holy ghost that will guide them to their decision.

Feel free to share this with the high ups at your company the next chance you get - just give me credit for the idea...

PS I found it extremely repetitive, ironic, and questionable that prior to the Conclave beginning the Cardinals had to formally be sworn to secrecy so they wouldn't talk about the process. Is this really necessary? I'd think that as Princes of the church they would already know the Conclave rules and you could gently remind them of the "no tattling" rule prior to everything starting on Day 1 and that'd be good enough. It just seems strange that you're telling men who've been priests for probably 50 years and have listened to a billion confessions and other secret things that they have to "swear to God" they won't tell what happens in the confines of Conclave.


At April 22, 2005 12:18 PM, Blogger Brad said...

In case you don't keep up on my linkblog (which you should), all your commentary on the pope makes me think you would enjoy


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