Wednesday, April 27, 2005

News = suck

2 more reasons why the news sucks

#1 This morning there was a teaser about Nelly's music being banned. I watched and turns out, a Mass. HS has banned some Nelly and 50 Cent songs from prom because they're too sexy. Snippets from school administrators and students saying things about these "types of songs". They talked about the list of songs they'd give the DJ that were being censored and if he played them, he wouldn't get paid. Last sentence of the story "Some DJs are able to play radio edit version of the songs so students aren't offended by the lyrics - it's a great compromise for everyone."

For the love, are you kidding me? The story was not "songs are too sexy" it was instead not a news item at all - all they had to say was that explicit lyric songs, which tend to have sexy subject matter, are not allowed to be played at prom. Duh - I'm 99% sure that JCCHS didn't play any songs with swears on them at my HS Proms. Stupid news.

#2 I saw an ad today for sweeps. Normal, except it was a 30 second ad for the Channel 7 6am, 6pm, and 10pm newscast - about how you should be looking forward to watching the news in May because there will be great, riveting news next month.

"Look to channel 7 in May for breaking news; news that affects your life in New England."

Um, I'm pretty sure that if it's NEWS you can't pre-empt it by planning it out a month ahead of time just because it's sweeps. If this was the case, the courts would've kept Terri alive until April 30 so the whole Terri debate would've neatly coincided with sweeps. Sorry, channel 7, that's not the way it is. Rule: if it's news, you don't plan it out a month in advance. I hate you channel 7.


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