Monday, April 18, 2005

Pain in the ass

Not that I don't want to fight the battle against meth addiction and meth mouth and other bad things associated with meth, but I'm not happy about this new Target policy. Having to go up the the pharmacist to show ID prior to buying Sudafed just sounds downright annoying - not that the Target pharmacies are subpar (I had a good experience in St. Louis Park involving a pharmacy beeper shaped like a v. large pill) but it seems like instead I could perhaps get carded by the checkout lady? Seems like that would be a somewhat less cumbersome process.

I sort-of encountered drug regulation at Target earlier this year. John was getting sick so I went to Target to stock up - I bought 2 different cough syrups, sinus meds, nighttime meds, and maybe one other and the register wouldn't let me buy it all in one transaction. In order to avoid inconveniencing me, the checkout lady just split it up into 2 different rings so I could buy everything (which voids the whole system I must say). She did comment that it was weird I was buying everything at once - I think it's not abnormal to stock up on cold medication when you start getting sick?


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