Sunday, April 03, 2005

The technology guru?

Who knew the Pope was big on technology? I still bet he isn't as good as Bejota at advising me on technology related questions, but props to the Pope. What do you think his email was -

However, I do have a problem with one line in the article:
"He also earned a place in history as the first pontiff to embrace computer technology."

Hmmm... he's been Pope since the late '70s. I'm pretty sure other popes haven't had the chance to "embrace computer technology" like he has...

But anyway, I like the note in the article about the Verizon service that you an sign up for in order to get daily texts from the pope. Good idea, Catholicos. As the article stated, "People are always trying to find ways to market His Holiness." Hmmm... an avenue to look at for job opportunities, eh?


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