Friday, April 22, 2005

Top 5 Movies to Watch - A LOT

1. Love Actually
2. Napoleon Dynamite
3. Coming to America
4. Old School
5. Bridget Jones' Diary

My criteria for this list is based on movies I could watch once per day for 7 days straight - and after that week of being bombarded by the movie, I do not want to stab my own eyes out with the thought of watching the movie again. I can't say from experience that this is the case with these 5 movies, but I think I could do it and still like the movie. Think about that.

The thing that ties all 5 movies together is that each has a great ensemble cast and extremely well written characters. I can honestly say that for each movie, it's hard to say which character is my favorite. Bridget Jones is certainly the easiest to pick your 2 favorite characters, but seriously, you can't pick your favorite character in Love Actually. And if you tell me you can, you are a liar.

PS I have watched Love Actually 5 times in the past 2 weeks which isn't my criteria but it's close-ish.

PPS I'd never watched Coming to America on anything but regular TV (TBS, USA) until this week when I watched it on HBO. There's a surprising amount of edited parts I enjoy with the uncut version.


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