Tuesday, May 03, 2005


Julie and I had a super fun roadtrip. Highlights:

  • Hyde Park, NY and the entire Hudson Valley - it was awesome. We had great dinner at Terrapin in Rhinebeck and it was fun. We stayed at the Superlodge (real name) where we didn't meet the boys that were there to party but we did have our own wine cooler party.
  • We accidently roadtripped through the Poconos. It was pretty. We purposely went to Hershey, PA to check out the Hershey stuff. I'm quite confident Alicia would've went over the edge with the crowds of loud, sugared up children. We did a fake factory tour (better than expected) and shopped at the Hershey store (worse than I expected).
  • We accidently stayed in Somerset, PA also known as home of the 9 miners that were trapped and then they were able to rescue. They don't sell beer in town at 11:00pm on Sunday nights, we found out. Not unexpected considering in the state, you can't buy wine and beer in the same store. Not kidding.
  • It took FOREVER to get from Somerset to OH. 120 of the longest miles of my life, good lord. Ohio was short, Indiana was long, Gary was ugly.
  • We stayed with my friend Amy in Chicago. We had more fun with her cats than expected. Her cat Cubbie eats Panamanian flip-flops - note to self. Amy was a kick ass host (and I learned that Kansas has Jayhawk sheets so I'm looking into Gopher sheets) and we treated her to Flat Top (Amy - I put the $20 you tried to give me under the Entenmann's box in your kitchen - hehe)
  • Today's drive was easy - we even had time to grab cheese curds in WI. Yummy.


At May 03, 2005 7:41 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

And your car ran fine? (Dad would ask if he wasn't busy with the planter). So glad to have you home again!! Mom

At May 04, 2005 8:21 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Yeah! I'm glad that you guys had such a fun time. We want to see pictures!



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