Monday, May 23, 2005

I'm in class bloggging

While I enjoy being a child of the 70s (by 4 days), there are definately some benefits to being born in the mid-80s. One is that your freshman year of college would include wi-fi on campus so you can access the internet during class while taking notes of your fun laptop. AKA what I'm doing right now while in my class, Jesus in History, which I'm taking now through June 10. Having wi-fi and a laptop in class is honestly the best best best idea ever. I actually already looked up 2 things in class related to the lecture, in addition to a "little" email maintenence during the lags in the lecture.

A few other notes about going back to class:
  • Guess what? Even if you get older, college girls stay the same age. I feel old. PS to John if you're reading - college girls = good reason to go back to school :)
  • Summer classes are easy. Wicked easy. i.e. There are 8 2 page papers during the 3 week course - oh wait - I only have to write 4/8. Love it.
  • Half the books are "required" the others are "optional". Love it.
  • Campus upgrade = Chic-fil-a in Coffman. Sweet.
  • Today, I was the last person to arrive prior to lecture beginning (about 2 minutes after I got seated). AKA perfect timing. You may think this is late, but please note that 2 people arrived after me (and after class began).
You'll continue to hear from me during class, believe it.


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