My weekend
My weekend fun started with my friend Crystal's wedding on Saturday in Jackson. We captured a picture of the Class of '98 at the wedding.
Other good times at the wedding - figuring out that the confirmed list of people from our class that aren't married and don't have babies includes: Trudy, Laura, Joy Garber (works at Casey's in Jackson?), Angela Marthaler (she missed the pix but was there - she's a vet student at the U), Ryan Hample (lives in Mpls), and Ryan Dunlavey (dental student at the U). I'm sure there are more but this is the list I remember from the wedding night discussions...
Good times.
Joy works at the Livewire.
Also - Shane Sether, Al Boles, Mitchell Olson are single as far as I know.
Oh, and Hannah Robertson and Nathan Knutson. Don't think Nate Stewart is married, either. I don't think your HS friends read your blog, or else they don't have any connections with kids anymore.
Ryan Whisney, Brad Tusa,and probably a bunch more... So there is still plenty of time. We were just to busy drinking to think real hard.
Hey look at this, Brad Tusa, I made the list!
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