Tuesday, July 26, 2005

Rockstars of the Week

Sorry for the delay - I was trying to get a pix to post with this but it just hasn't happened. All from the fun weekend of the St. Louis crew in town...

Honorable honorable mention: Goofy foot. What more must I say - best "technical" term EVER.

Honorable mention: Lenertz - For being fun at Damon's BBQ. And by fun, I mean that he had a half full pitcher of beer and people were scooting away from him asap to avoid the inevitable dripping from the pitcher. Add this picture to Lenertz in a shirt so soaked in sweat you'd have to see it to believe it.

Sweaty Lenny. Looks normal, isn't quite normal.

3. Alicia - For making a girl cry after Alicia exclaimed "Who the F drinks white wine at Williams?" I decided in posting this, it would result in admitting we went to Williams in Uptown, but alas, it happened. After reflection upon the event the next day, we realized that Alicia made the comment to the homo that was the girl's boyfriend - not to the girl herself because she actually thought HE was the one drinking the wine - not the case. As a side note, we weren't sure if she was crying about Alicia's comment or the fact that she's dating a homo. I guess we'll never know.

2. Juice - For grabbing and slamming the aforementioned glass of white wine from our neighbor's table as we were getting kicked out of Williams at 2am. Nice work, killer.

1. The Dancing Golden Girl we encountered at The Lyons Pub on Friday night. For everything that she is and does and represents. Not that I know what that means, but wow. You had to be there to believe it. I'm trying to post her picture - all I have is a video. It's worth seeing but I can't post it. Per your request I'll email it. Honestly, it's worth it. Unbelievable - it's pretty much the reason for video to be incorporated into digital cameras - still pix can't capture her essence.


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