Monday, August 08, 2005


  • My new trend is to post several times in one day, then ignore my blog for 3-7 days.
  • I am working a lot for an unemployed person. I realize I am not really working that much (50 hours/wk) but people think "ooh, you're unemployed, lucky." It's not all sunning and leisure time. But I'm not totally complaining.
  • I am a Red Sox fan. After going to Saturday night's game, my parents and I were discussing the game Sunday morning. They made a comment about us winning the game, which made me think I was drunker than I thought because I was pretty damn sure the Sox lost the game. Turns out I was right - but when they comment on our team I forget that they're Twins fans and I'm a Sox fan.
  • The ratio of time online:blogging proves true for me. Last week I only had about 3 hours of my work time online, and then at night just checked emails before bed. This resulted in minimal posts. This week, I'll have at least 20 hours of online time at work, we'll see what happens.


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