Tuesday, August 02, 2005


Sometimes I feel it when I'm reading the newspaper and there's a comment from one of my college professors - often my professor for my retail class at CSOM is quoted. You know - the feeling that you know loads of people when you personally know someone named in the paper - it's a silly thing to think but it's how I feel.

On Monday as I browsed Sunday's Tribune, I had something even better happen - I found someone quoted who knows ME - this is much more important than "knowing" someone if you think about it, i.e. I know Prince William - what would be exciting would be if he knew me.

So in this article about library systems, the following was printed:
"Like most government agencies, libraries are being asked to do more with less," said Jacob Haas, supervisor of library systems market development for Maplewood-based 3M Co., a big player in the library market. "Especially with the economic downturn, libraries faced tremendous growth. ... Some branch libraries are circulating 1 million items a year."

Snap! I know Jacob. He proceeds to be quoted about 5 times throughout the article. I knew he got moved back to MN from CO, but didn't realize he had been promoted into a "quotable" position. Good work, Jacob.


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