Like whales humping
Did you know this is how the space shuttle gets from Cali to Florida when it lands in an alternate place? Seems like a lot of work. Also, are you a big surprised by how "small' the shuttle is?
CA to FL.
My ramblings about stuff in the news, things I think are funny, and my life - rated G to NC-17. I'm offended if you're offended.
Did you know this is how the space shuttle gets from Cali to Florida when it lands in an alternate place? Seems like a lot of work. Also, are you a big surprised by how "small' the shuttle is?
I am not surprised that this is how the shuttle is transported at all. It is very inefficient though.
The aircraft is a 747-100 or 200 series. This is a very old 747 series. The inside of the aircraft is essentially empty aside from a large roof support structure system.
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