Thursday, November 03, 2005

If you REALLY like babies or pets...

you'll love these customized checks you can design using photographs you submit to the company.

1) Recommend these to the people you work with that show you 28 pictures of their baby wearing the Halloween costume.

2) Who uses checks anymore???


At November 03, 2005 9:44 PM, Blogger AMF said...

I would use those! However I have OSU alumni checks. Yeah I know, I didn't go there, but in my heart I did. But maybe when I run out in 2 or 3 years (I write 2 checks a month to electric and gas), then I'll put Mikey or Cubby on my checks!!

At November 04, 2005 2:24 PM, Blogger Alicia said...

Where do I sign up? Oh wait, I'm not particularly fond of pets or babies. And like Amy, I write one, maybe two, checks a month. This month - rent and a check to Beth for our Jason Mraz tickets.


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