Saturday, November 19, 2005


I'm back in WI for a few days. I flew in Thursday morning and did store visits in Kenosha and Milwaukee, and then Friday morning had a good meeting. I had some posters made for the meeting, and they were a big hit. Yeah me! Then, I took the Badger Bus from MKE - Madison for $19 in order to see Christina and stay w/ her for the weekend. Last night, we grabbed a few cheese curds as appetizers, then went to a dinner party.

Yes, a dinner party. Apparently this is the kind of things graduate students do... It was a fun group of about 15 people, mostly MBAers and JVs (Joint Ventures, what the spouses of MBAers are called). Funny. Dinner was good, I had mucho wine and told exaggerated, over the top stories (surprise) and when we got home we went to bed, at 11:30. We're either old, or ramping up for tonight's proposed case race. (I vote the latter).


At November 19, 2005 3:34 PM, Blogger mkecurler said...

glad to see you came to MKE! Didja like all the construction?


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