Sunday, December 18, 2005

Two thumbs down

My friend Nate asked me to go to the Vikings game with him - it was my first time going to a pro FB game and I had a good time despite it being in the teens for tailgating and the Vikes losing by quite a bit. He admitted I wasn't his first pick for going to the game with him, but a couple of guys he invited couldn't go because their wife/girlfriend put down the kabosh on going to the game.

Why do girls like that (that suck) have boyfriends when I don't? I'm sure some set of extenuating circumstances could possibly maybe perhaps push me to tell my boyfriend/husband they couldn't go to a game - but I'm not sure what the circumstances would even have to be. Good lord, let the man go to the game. Girls like that s-u-c-k.

On a related note, I found this on the Overheard in New York website:

Girl: Wow, look at all these vegetables and things.
Guy: Yeah.
Girl: This is great! We should come here all the time.
Guy: I think my testicles are falling off.


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