Craigslist is addictive
I'm searching the personals on Craigslist - both men looking for women and, scoping the "competition" out by cruising women looking for men. A few postings were, um, notable:
- This girl describes last year's Valentine's Day with her then boyfriend while attempting to solicit a new man.
- A 25 year old Mpls female posted that she's "looking for a creepy thin man to play with". Um...
- This girl posted lewd-ish pix of herself then complained that creepy men approach her because they think just because she's sexy, she's slutty. Really? That's crazy...
- I'm not even sure I understand this man's fettish - he wants to drink from a lactating woman's breast I guess?
- This dude is so straightforward it's almost not creepy. But I bet he's dumb.
- This guy is meant for Alicia. Really.
- I reread this one again and again and am still don't have a great guess as to this man's dysfunction or intent. Can anyone give me some clues?
- This guy's query about his picture made him the closest to actually getting an email. Didn't do it, but still thinking about it.
I don't understand the man who's meant for me.
Sweetie - sober up and re-read. He's Asian and a sugar daddy. Maybe not your Mr. Right how about your Mr. Right Now.
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