Thursday, January 26, 2006

A few thoughts...

I was glad to see that rather than ripping down a building, they're turning an Art Deco building in DT Mpls into a Westin Hotel. I hadn't realized there wasn't a Westin in Mpls so this will be the first in the state.

It was so nice to meet up with Michael for drinks last night, even though he almost punk'd me by not telling me he would be in the city until the last minute. I'm not mad - he complimented me on my hair and outfit so I can't stay mad at him.

Prior to drinks with Michael, I joined Julie's dinner club for dinner at the Ecopolitan. Even if you've driven down Lyndale a hundred times, I doubt you've noticed this place, it's a very unobtrusive building. ATTN Rich - do not go here, you won't like it. (PS Rich and Nicole reviewed the Creole restaurant I blogged about - not suggested - it's not spicy and two thumbs down - not a replacement for Copeland's.

Ecopolitan is a "raw food" restaurant - the only hot thing on the menu was the tea I had. They had a large menu considering nothing was cooked - I was expecting less variety of options. I give this place 3.5/10 because the food wasn't great and it's a restaurant in a house which makes you assume it's dirty there (dirty like the Purple Onion - unscrubbed). But, if you've never tried a raw food restaurant it's ok to check it out - I think it was about $15 total inc. tip that I paid and I was surpringly full considering portions are not large.

A shout-out to Heidi - we had a mini Civic parade on 35W South about 8am as we were both heading to work. It was exciting.

I'm signing off because I'm flying to St. Louis and (gasp) leaving my computer in Mpls. I don't have a good reason to bring it there so I'm not... We'll see if I suffer symptoms/signs of withdrawal. I'll be back Sun night and *promise* to post pix in a timely fashion, considering I haven't posted Vegas, xmas, or new years pix yet I suppose that's overpromising but it's a goal at least.


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