Tuesday, January 31, 2006

The StL trip in pictures (ok, and captions)

One of the St. Ann bars Matt and I visited Th night. Pretty sure all the people there have been sitting there, smoking, drinking Budweiser for the last 20 years, straight.

Over 150 people played Trivia on Friday night for Juice and Drew's birthdays

Our team: Gabe, Angie, her boyfriend, Katie, her boyfriend, Flores, Jenny, yours truly. Matt's sisters are super fun even though I can't remember their boyfriends names.

Bringing sleeping bags into Cusamano's and checking them in coat check (read: scary basement)

Coat check dude. I didn't catch him dancing but he was ripping it up on the dance floor.

Jenny and Drew. Note Drew's sunglasses he's wearing on the dance floor at the club.

Gabe waiting with all the gear for a ride home and looking cool.

Kyle (half cut off), birthday boys Drew and Juice. Please note the classy shirts they're wearing.

After getting back to Juice's house, he was done for the night but the boys attempted to convince him to get up to play poker and drink the backup beer. Attempted this though a half hour of whispering sweet nothings in his ears. Unsuccessfully.

The remainder of the pix from the weekend are in Flickr.


At January 31, 2006 2:42 PM, Blogger Phats said...

Hey laura
Just realized you visited my blog thanks for stopping by! I was the biggest Gopher fan this past Sunday when they were trouncing those Losers from IU haha :)

St Louis is cool I cheered there for the Final Four my Senior year.

At February 01, 2006 2:21 PM, Blogger Della said...

Does everyone have a tall, goofy friend named Juice? I know I do.


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