Thursday, January 05, 2006

This McMansion would make FLW vomit

This Slate article has great pictures of McMansions and points out what a crime it is for an architect to actually design them - it's well written and examples of the worst McMansions (above) and those that aren't as bad - like a Pac Heights home (perhaps near Missy and Nat's?).

I had blogged about Chevy Chase, MD McMansions earlier - apparently my interest in these is related to on of these:

1) my interest in architecture or
2) my amazement that people think they need this much house or
3) envy because I live in a studio apartment.

You decide.


At January 05, 2006 5:21 PM, Blogger Alicia said...

That's hideous. At least they put the garage doors on the side instead of filling the whole front of the house with them, but that's about the only redeeming quality...oh and I like brick, but why not build a reasonably sized all brick house. Cause then you can sing "Brick House" all the time. "Sorta Brick House" doesn't have the same ring.

At January 09, 2006 4:55 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

i dont understand, what is a mcmansion? what is the mc for?


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