Van Gogh's drink
I'm pretty sure I've never drank absinthe. There was a big fuss when we first got the London in May 2000 - I'm not sure if it was the time or place, but absinthe was oft a topic of discussion. And maybe Alicia drank some (she's loosey goosey like that) somewhere, sometime, (maybe the night she threw up on herself on the Tube?) but I'm quite sure if I had drank some it would have been memorable...
Have you tried absinthe? Is it as "powerful" as they say it is? I'm looking for your story (and this blog is mom censored but I'm pretty sure she doesn't care what you write so don't edit for her).
And why haven't I heard jack about absinthe in the last 5 years?
PS The vintage art ads for absinthe are pretty. But not as office appropriate as my pet posters.
I have drank LOTS of Absinthe before. I guess I am loosey goosey too. I like it a lot. You have to take it the correct way, which I'm sure you know how that is.
I smuggled three bottles back to the US. 2 I gave as gifts and 1 kept for myself. The one bottle I gave to one friend I ended up drinking myself and pouring water back into. Long story.
If I ever get a chance to buy more, I would. It's only fun to take shots when you are with fun people. So I would drink it with you Laura.
I haven't had it. The night I threw up - by the way, in a garbage bag at the tube station, not on myself on the tube, which sounds much worse - I was drunk on Bud Light or some other American beer that was on special at Shakespeare's Head because it was the 4th of July.
That's sweet Amy - You'll take shots with me :) I should've brought some back from Europe this summer - apparently it's not available in the US?
Oh, and you're only loosey goosey if you go out on the 4th of July in London, stay out by yourself even though everyone else goes home, sing "America" songs LOUDLY at the pub, and then throw up on the way home. I distinctly remember there being some puke on your shirt because you changed asap when you got hom.
I'd post pix if I had them, but alas, it's on film.
I love you Alicia :)
i actually just tried absinthe for the first time a few months ago. michael's roommate told me about some internet site you can order it off of, but i forget what it is. at any rate, his croatian ex-gf brought it back for him. it tastes NOT great but it makes you feel kind of a body buzz and a little light-headed and quite laugh-y. at least, that was my experience.
I went home alone because Martin wanted to go to the other people's flats, but I knew the tube closed shortly and wanted to get home. It made sense at the time.
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