This Craigslist posting makes no sense to me. A fraternity is coordinating volunteer opportunities for non-fraternity members through Craigslist? No comprende.
Fraternity Seeks Volunteers
Date: 2006-02-02, 2:29PM CST
Sigma Tau Omega Fraternity is a service organization that trains and equips young men to respond when their community is in need. We are currently seeking volunteers (non-members) for the following opportunities:
Instructor Opportunities (train members in the following areas): Crisis Counseling and Communications, Recruitment/Sales, Law Enforcement, Vehicle Maintenance, Forestry, Construction, Health and Preventative Medicine, and Food Service
Emergency Operations Opportunities: Truck Drivers, Sanitation Specialists
Headquarters Opportunities (work one to two hours a week): Grant Writing and Researching, Records Management, Supply cataloging, Recruiting
Our website is
You won’t regret serving your community through Sigma Tau Omega Fraternity!
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