Friday, March 10, 2006

Why wasn't Nemo a girl?

I came across two related, insightful articles regarding the fact that girls often read books and watch movies "starring" boys and about boys, but boys aren't expected to read books or watch shows about and starring girls. While I'd consider myself pro-female, I've never really considered this.

Geena Davis did, as she released report findings showing that G-rated movies favor boys. "75 percent of all characters were male, 72 percent of the speaking roles were male, and 83 percent of the characters in crowd scenes were male." Maybe 55% would be by chance, but 72% upwards is just silly. The article about the study gives good examples, outlines why this is happening (men create movies and didn't realize they were doing this) and why it should change.

A Slate article talks about why boys might lag in reading skills (because most librarians are female?) and why boys might not like girls books... V. interesting.


At March 11, 2006 7:06 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought this was very interesting, too. I might pass it on to Carrie D & Kerri R (notice how our librarians actually have the same name!). I know my brothers were not readers, except for books about wild dogs or baseball, and even those had to be assigned in school.

At March 17, 2006 10:45 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

but what aboud all the disney princess movies? what about ariel and belle and cinderella and princess aurora?? do they not count because there is also a prince? or are they just too old to be considered?


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