Tuesday, June 27, 2006

Six degrees

You might wonder why I have a picture of Janice Dickinson on my blog - I probably could've bet $1 that would never happen. However, thankfully, I have good reason.

Pictured above is Nick Verreos of Project Runway fame (at right) along with John from PR and Janice. Nick ended up at a Janice Dickinson event because his friend Chip works at the Out and Advocate magazines and invited him to the event. I found this pix on Nick's blog.

Here's the thing:
  1. I know Michael, who works at Out and the Advocate magazines.
  2. Since it's not a HUGE company, I'm assuming (possibly prematurely) that Michael knows Chip (even though I believe him to be based in the W. Coast office?).
  3. Clearly, Chip knows Nick (they're friends duh).
THUS, it's just 3 degrees of separation between me and PR star Nick. LOVE IT. And just think, FOUR degrees to loads of other people that Nick knows.

UPDATE: Michael DOES know Chip, thus my assumptions proved correct that I'm only a few degrees to the PR crew. See Michael's comment for more info.


At June 02, 2006 11:10 AM, Blogger Alicia said...

Ooh - I like that!! That makes both of us 4 degrees from Nick and 5 degrees from pretty much every PR person. Season 3 starts July 12!!!


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