My ramblings about stuff in the news, things I think are funny, and my life - rated G to NC-17. I'm offended if you're offended.
posted by Laura @ 7/07/2006 05:45:00 PM 6 comments
Yes I do, He's the little brother of a girl I went to school with.. Her parents basement was the first time I made out with a girl in High School. Hah hah hah.....................Tim
I'm confused by what you said... who's Missy from Kewaunee??
I'm confused by what you said... who's Missy from Kewaunee and how is she referenced?
If you signed your name to your comment, you'd probably be my friend and already know Missy.My sentence doesn't say Missy is referenced, it says the three towns (Kewaunee, Manitwoc, and Luxemburg) are mentioned in the linked article.
I am a Missy from Kewaunee.
I'm not talking about you, Missy from Kewaunee. I'm talking about Missy, currently from SF, formerly from Kewaunee. OK?
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Yes I do, He's the little brother of a girl I went to school with.. Her parents basement was the first time I made out with a girl in High School.
Hah hah hah.....................
I'm confused by what you said... who's Missy from Kewaunee??
I'm confused by what you said... who's Missy from Kewaunee and how is she referenced?
If you signed your name to your comment, you'd probably be my friend and already know Missy.
My sentence doesn't say Missy is referenced, it says the three towns (Kewaunee, Manitwoc, and Luxemburg) are mentioned in the linked article.
I am a Missy from Kewaunee.
I'm not talking about you, Missy from Kewaunee. I'm talking about Missy, currently from SF, formerly from Kewaunee. OK?
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