Primary time...
I decided to check in and see who the candidates are on my ballot for Tuesday's primary. To my surprise, I found out Mr. Alan Fine is asking for my vote in order to become the rep from the 5th district of MN to the US House of Representatives. If you live in Mpls, Golden Valley, St. Louis Park, or Richfield (plus a few other cities like New Hope and Fridley) you'll have the chance to vote for Mr. Fine.
I took one class from him, and did not so well - should his inability to teach me MIS mean he doesn't get my vote? Or will he not get it b/c he's a Republican? TBD which reason I'll use...
PS It's wicked easy to look up where to vote at this State website -- even if you won't vote in the primary register now for November. If I have a new address by Nov, I'll have to reregister to vote there...
I also use this website to find out if a family lives in our school district and thus belongs on our school census. It's very helpful. It will be a challenge to vote tomorrow since I can't do it before work (the maintenance shop/polling place doesn't open till 10 am!) Did you ever get to vote here? It's a pretty exciting event! No ID Required...everybody knows me & they'll tell me if DW has already voted or not!
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