Friday, July 13, 2007

Willamette, like goddamnit

I'm enjoying my first 24 hours in Portland, Oregon. I'm staying with Paul who I know from college and have a full agenda planned between now and Sunday when I train to Seattle to see my mom's sister's family.

First on the agenda, is the Portland International Beer fest. Yum.

I want to do the aerial tram, go see the falls (outside of town), visit the Oregon Historical Society and then just wander the neighborhoods. And drink lots of beer in the microbrewery capital of theUS of A.

I'll keep you updated on my travels - my loose itererary for your information:

today - Sunday noon -- Portland
Amtrak Portland - Seattle
Sunday afternoon - Monday afternoon - Kent, WA w/ the fam
Monday afternoon - Friday morning - Carnation, WA for work
Friday - Sunday night - San Francisco to stay w/ Marc & Matt
Sunday night - taking the red eye baby!

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Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Craigslist posting of the day

Attn. Black pregnant woman - 26

Date: 2007-07-01, 3:22PM CDT

I have a thing for black pregnant woman. I find it very sexy. I understand that pregnant woman can have a very high sex drive and sex is quite healthy when your pregnant.

I'm a tall, good looking white guy, blond hair, blue eyes. If your pregnant, black and single, hit me up with a picture. I'll send some back to you.

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