Monday, December 10, 2007


I took the Traveler IQ Quiz after Bejota blogged about it - but let it be knows I forwarded the site to about 15 people after getting the VSL about it this am.

However, I can't figured out if compared to Bejota, I win or not? He's a 104 IQ which seems worse, but also got to a higher final score and higher final level. And I took the North American quiz, if he took a different one can you compare it against mine? I don't know...

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Not gross

I've bought a few of Amy's Organic Frozen Dinners and have been unimpressed, especially with the Indian meals. Blech.

However, the Cheese Enchilada Whole Meal (which means it comes w/ corn and black beans) is quite yummy. In fact, it's on my list to buy again soon.

Amy's has about a bazillion different SKUs so it may be tough to pick out the yummies vs. the ickies, but this was so good I might try...

Sunday, December 09, 2007

This has got to be a record

I hope no one is stalking me, because this clearly lays out where I'll be the next week -- I can't believe my life is so ruled by the Evite. Except that they work SO well. Oh well.

As an FYI, I'll be at gay bible study Wed night -- long story. And no, I'm not a lesbian.

Saturday, December 01, 2007

Not quite right timing, but still good...

Aaron Karo presents the Halloween Walk of Shame
