Last night, I got my Sexy Back
If anyone wants to bum my CD to burn, just let me know.
My ramblings about stuff in the news, things I think are funny, and my life - rated G to NC-17. I'm offended if you're offended.
I just joined the Friends of the Library and think I'll attend this - anyone want to go w/ me? $30 for members, $40 for non-members but that does include fancy apps and you get to visit the library at NIGHT!
47 SWM seeking group of college girls to watch Grey's Anatomy with (Blaine)
In theory, all my shows are sitting on my DVR box at home, excitedly waiting to be watched. Thus, it will *not* be a TV spoiler I'm posting... It instead will be a if-you're-a-person-like-me-you-could-spoil-your-workday-by-playing-on-this-website spoiler.
I'm glad we talked after your summer vacation to Turkey and Greece, and I got to see pictures of it. Because of this, I was able to properly respond to a man I met last night at a party when he said he was from Turkey.
Countdown is my new favorite UK TV show. The show consists of rounds of "how large a word can you make from this letter jumble" and "can you get to the target # using a series of numbers and manipulating them with various mathmatical functions" followed by an anagram round. It's one of the longest running shows (4000+ episodes in the last 25 years) in the country, but I've only seen it twice. I likey.
something's wrong with you.
I'm glad to report that all is well in the land of Harry Potter. The biggest issue in my first 36 hours in the city is...
I meant to blog about the free museum passes you can check out of the library... MN Speak already wrote the article - so read it here...
Typo #2 of the day is courtesy of the Rake Magazine e-newsletter...
Dear NWA,
I decided to check in and see who the candidates are on my ballot for Tuesday's primary. To my surprise, I found out Mr. Alan Fine is asking for my vote in order to become the rep from the 5th district of MN to the US House of Representatives. If you live in Mpls, Golden Valley, St. Louis Park, or Richfield (plus a few other cities like New Hope and Fridley) you'll have the chance to vote for Mr. Fine.
I've parked at the old Dayton's lot knowing I would spend $20 at Macy's/Marshall Field's/Dayton's and gotten a free parking voucher to "do the town" with my purchase. I didn't realize that a load more businessness do this -- including:
So I might be going to a "tennis / country club" party in London - packing for London will be tough but adding clothes for a theme party is a lot of work. However, I am still down with the idea BUT looking for ideas of what to wear. Clearly, my inspiration shall come from google imagine searching tennis party and country club party... And the Karpen girls' comments on my blog - they seem to be the best commenters as of late.
As read in Overheard in Minnepolis...
I have dropped off the face of the world in the last week or so but hope to be back soon... Last week, I was wicked busy w/ work and had no free time for blogging. Strange - I guess this is what busy people like Missy and Michael feel like all the time. I DON'T like it.