Word of the day
Lyssophobia. Random, I know.
My ramblings about stuff in the news, things I think are funny, and my life - rated G to NC-17. I'm offended if you're offended.
How I lost my interviewing portfolio is beyond me. Fri am, 10:15 I entered a meeting with my recruiter. I had the folder. Sunday afternoon it was lost and gone forever. In those 2 days, I was in my car, my apartment, Alicia's car, and at Great Lakes working. Have checked all these places, it's not anywhere. Also Damon's house and boat but for the love of god if I lost it at a drinking BBQ or waterskiing I'm just an idiot. What the f happened to it?
Sorry for the delay - I was trying to get a pix to post with this but it just hasn't happened. All from the fun weekend of the St. Louis crew in town...
I'm posting this article from the NYT because if you aren't registered with them, you won't be able to read it. I think it's v. interesting - especially note the fact that they say the Sarbanes-Oxley law has affecting the marketing department of companies across America. Random, eh?
THE results of a survey scheduled to be released today at a conference sponsored by the Association of National Advertisers bring to mind the familiar Mark Twain remark about the weather: Everyone complains about the inability to determine the return on investment from advertising spending, but no one seems satisfied with what is being done about it.
The conference is the most recent in a skein of meetings sponsored by the association, the trade organization for the nation's largest marketers, focusing on advertising accountability. Senior marketers are increasingly intent on figuring out what they are doing right - and wrong - as the cost of peddling goods and services climbs each year, along with the difficulty of reaching potential customers.
The conference, formally titled the 2005 Marketing Accountability Forum, is to begin this morning with a general session at the Grand Hyatt Hotel in Midtown Manhattan. To underline what it considers to be the importance of the conference, the association is also promoting it to members of the trade group that represents the agencies that marketers work with, the American Association of Advertising Agencies.
The survey was conducted in April by the advertiser association and two partners, Marketing Management Analytics, part of the Aegis Group, and Forrester Research. In telephone interviews this week, Ms. Mirque and executives from Marketing Management Analytics offered a preview of some survey results.
For instance, 61.5 percent of the survey respondents said it was important to them to define, measure and take concrete steps in the area of advertising accountability. But only 19 percent said they were satisfied with their ability to take those steps.
And 73 percent of respondents were not confident that they understood the effects that an advertising or marketing campaign could have on sales. When asked if they agreed with the statement, "I would be able to forecast the impact on sales" of a 10 percent cut in marketing spending, 63 percent said no.
Back in the day, "marketing had a rock-star mentality, able to do what it wanted," said Ed See, executive vice president and chief operating officer at Marketing Management, which is based in Wilton, Conn.
"But we're not living in a rock 'n' roll world anymore," he added. "Elvis has left the building."
A primary reason for the change, Mr. See said, is what he called the "halo effect" of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, centered on the difference the law is making in the way top managers run companies.
"Marketers were able to do what they wanted because they were given a bye from a corporate governance aspect by the C-suite," Mr. See said, using the shorthand term for leaders like chief executives. "But now," he added, "the C-suite sees marketing as the last bastion of uncontrolled spending, and it's being viewed as a risk, a financial risk."
"It's the old story of the C.E.O. who asks the chief marketing officer, 'What happens if I take 10 percent out of the marketing budget?' and the C.M.O. replies, 'I don't know,' " Mr. See said, "so the C.E.O. says: 'O.K., I'll take 20 percent.' "
John Nardone, executive vice president and chief client officer at Marketing Management, said the survey showed that it was more important than ever for advertisers to give their marketing departments the types of controls, models and "repeatable processes" they use in areas like supply-chain management and human resources.
"Marketers are tracking all kinds of data and they still can't answer basic questions" about advertising accountability, Mr. Nardone said, "because they don't have real models and metrics by which to make sense of it."
I downgraded from #2 to #13 this summer with my move to Minneapolis. Boston was rated the #2 country in the country for singles, while Mpls is substantially down the list. I guess I can confirm this is true - no boyfriend in Mpls, I had one within 4 months of moving to Boston. But they are saying there's a chance for me in Mpls... Cross your fingers for me.
I like Legends of the Fall. I own it. But this guy's notes on the DVD special release is quite comical. Enjoy it.
I've never thought about the company that sells stars based on the business plan: "People are dumb." But this blog talked about this history and invention of the International Star Registry. You know them - the people who have radio commercials about buying your loved one a star. It's a funny article.
I think the Queer Eye has grown old in the past year - too much product placement, too much over the top let's-spend-$100,000-to-fix-him attitudes, etc. However, I'm watching the Red Sox version of Queer Eye and it's hilarious. Yes, partially because I like the team. But unless you're a Yankees fan you'll think it's fun.
I'm pretty sure I've blogged about this topic before, but once more isn't too much because the reciprocity between WI and MN is f-ed up. Like laws that you can't drink tomato juice in Ohio on Sundays - weird laws from 1848 that don't make any sense.
I saw Charlie and the Chocolate Factory tonight and was underwhelmed. BTW, Michael - "underwhelmed" is my word of the summer. It's no "snarky" but what can I do...
If you haven't been watching The Daily Show with Jon Stewart lately, start. Now. Tonight. 11 EST/10 CST. Seriously, the show is so funny, and actually delivers news with the correct (notice I didn't say RIGHT) slant I'm looking for.
I thought that titling (is that the correct spelling of title-ing?) a blog "Rich?", if your name was Rich you would pay special attention to it. Especially if there was a picture of someone who looked like you in that posting.
After talking about blogging for a quick minute last night at Damon's BBQ, I decided to blog about the last couple of fun days I've had. I just realized I haven't blogged since Monday.
I hadn't realized the Carlson School picked a new dean to start next summer. She's originally from Minnesota, her dad Gordon Davis was a professor at Carlson, but she went to Brigham Young? I'm not sure how I feel about this...
I like to listen to my iPod at the gym. Or using the iTrip in my car. But when I'm at home, I miss my iPod. Sure, I can listen to iTunes through my subpar speakers on my laptop or I could buy fancy iPod speakers. But I'd really like to use my iTrip in my house linked with a radio station. I've had bad luck trying this (ok I was using a clock radio when I tried) but even using a radio with an antennae I've been unable to get my iTrip to connect as well as it works in my car.
I just found out that Jamie-Lynn Spears is the daughter of Jamie and Lynne Spears. I guess you can give them hats off for leaving the "e" off of her middle name but for the love of all that is trashy, that is trashy. Don't name your kids after a combination of mom and dad's name. Ever.
A couple of things to talk about...
This website gives you soundclips spoken by Napoleon Dynamite himself. Try not to let it take over your Friday...
I was excited to find out that HP book 6 is 200 pages shorter than HP book 5. Not that I didn't enjoy book 5, but I think that I should still get my money's worth out of HP6's 670 pages.
After flying in coach across the Atlantic, dreams of first class floated in my head. It seems that buying a coach ticket and then using miles to upgrade to first is a viable option. However, I'm wondering if doing that will allow me to earn miles on that flight?
How do you feel about a Hooter's in Block E? I'm not in favor mostly because it's a chain, but I'm not sure how good it would do. I think they should instead open over by the Metrodome... There aren't enough bars there and I feel like the Vikings crowd might like it.
Ok, on W. Franklin, but home nonetheless. After an easy flight, I landed at noonish today. I'm now trying to catch up on email and snail mail... Good times... For y'all in Mpls, let's hang out. I'm around and for the moment unemployeed. I'll keep you updated on that front...
You may remember how obsessed I am about postcards. But guess what? With this trip it changed - I only sent 4 postcards - were you the lucky one to get one?
Surprise! The Queen Elizabeth II oceanliner is at port right now in Stavanger, Norway, where I am right now. We came here yesterday, did a minute of sightseeing, then headed to the island of Karmoy where our ancestors came from. The smallish harbor certainly looked different this am when the QEII was parked there... It's massive. I wish they'd sell tour tickets while they're in the harbor - I'd love to check it out...
Today I visited the Leprosy Museum in Bergen. Marc will be excited his name is mentioned, but sad that I have not yet visited any Postal, Taxation, or Tariff museums on this trip. I love weird museums. This was a great museum - leprosy hit Norway the hardest of any of the European countries until it was erradicated (sp?) in 1946. Interesting guided tour.
Edina based ATK is helping send a shuttle into space, likely because of the efforts of our own A. Truhe. My second theory of the day.
As mentioned earlier, there are more babies in Copenhagen than anywhere we've been... However, let it be noted that there are more pregnant (really, waddling pregnant) women in Norway than any other country. I think there's a part of the socialist health care program here where the maternity ward is only open July and August (they use that are for knee and hip surgeries the other 10 months of the year) so everybody has to plan their pregnancies around this. My theory of the day, at least...
I am knocking on wood while I type this, but let it be said: We have been here almost 2 weeks and havent seen a drop of rain. Actually, there have only been 2 cloudy days the rest sunny cloudless skies which Ill prove when I post pictures. Unlike last time I was here - "Summer of Rain - July-August 2000 all acrosse Europe". Marc plus Alicia plus Laura plus rain = many beers.
Only 1 day later and Im back blogging. This time cant find the f-ing apostrophe. Oh well. Were in Bergen Norway now. Wish Gabe was here to help us habla with the locals and read signs, we thought wed be better at guessing words than we are - surprisingly Copenhagen (Dannish) is much more guessable than Norweigan. Who knew? 2 true cognates are kiwi and melon, though, just an FYI.
Lo siento, my blog last time didn't work when I tried in Oslo. I'm now in Flam, on my way through the fjords of Norway. Just finished riding on one of the Top 20 Railways in the World, according to someone. It was quite nice. Reminded me of the Munich - Interlacken train I've taken. I'm now blogging at the rate of 60 kroner for 60 minutes - about $10 an hour. It's no Easy Everything.
I forgot. Yesterday, I watched several hours of Live 8 - it was all over the news here. Saw several concert performances. Was it as big a deal in the US as it was here? I saw it was free, no wonder why so many people were there...
Had a hard time getting internet access. Went to War of the Worlds last night, not my first pick but it was English and not sold out. It was ok at best - wouldnät have gone in the US but oh well. Unlike Switzerland, they do not stop the movie halfway and sell ice cream on the stage, just an FYI. We've been in Kalmar, Sweden for the last 2 days chillin, today we are headed N to Stockholm. I've rented 2 cars here - a Puegot (sp?) station wagon and Saab station wagon - the Saab had 4 km on it when we picked it up. Glad I'm the driver...