Mommy Britney
Britney is having a baby - scary... Kevin calls her 'my lady-in-waiting'. Ick. She will be the trashiest pregnant lady ever, I guarantee it.
My ramblings about stuff in the news, things I think are funny, and my life - rated G to NC-17. I'm offended if you're offended.
Britney is having a baby - scary... Kevin calls her 'my lady-in-waiting'. Ick. She will be the trashiest pregnant lady ever, I guarantee it.
I'm going to use my blog today to scramble for "where are they now?" answers. I'm realizing that pretty much everyone I know from college ties to AKPsi. In fact, I'm struggling to "wonder where they are now" about any non-AKPsi people. I wish I had a thing of our headshots so I could remember more people I don't know about anymore... But it's all packed up, so it goes...
Here's some insight into Texas politician's views on the Schiavo case - I like this blog about it...
So far tonight, I got phone calls from Lyn, Dana, and Todd. Also known as friends I talk to on the phone approximately twice a year. The night isn't done yet - who else may randomly call me?
How will Michael Jackson get a not guilty decision? The lawyer he needed can't handle his case.
I'm not being mean, I'm just saying:
I spent the weekend in Vermont with Michael on a ski trip. Where do I even start with recapping this story... Hmmmm.... Let me do it chronologically, my favorite way to organize things.
I'm not a happy girl after being unable to reach tech support today. I got a recorded message saying they're closed for Good Friday and will reopen on Monday. The company is based in Tennessee but are you kidding me? Get those IT geeks working, I don't care what day it is.
I'm going off of Bejota's blog entry regarding how much major corporations give to Dems vs. the GOP. The idea is to buy Blue since you voted Blue and I like the idea. I like this list of companies that not only give a large percentage Blue, but also give a lot. Note that News Corp is on this list - they give lots to Blue except News America and a division of Fox that I'm guessing give MUCHO red. Nice.
Bejota wins by having more info on the Hirsch situation than anyone else. Here's his input:
I saw a new store being built while out on the road - it was a Cartridge World. I'd never heard of it - after researching I found out that it's a store where you can bring your empty printer ink cartridges and wait while they're refilled (they can be refilled up to 7 times safely) or you can buy new ones or paper, etc.
Which of the following are fake news:
So it wasn't that hard to figure out since I linked to the real news article - but I feel like The Onion's EPA article could be true. Almost.
On Live this morning, Kelly's telling a story about the airline once upon a time losing her baby's car seat (why it was checked and the baby wasn't seated in it I'm not sure) when Regis asks why that's a big deal. She say, "Well, we had to get in the cab without the car seat, just hold the baby, it's a pain...".
I've started watching Real Time with Bill Maher on HBO and really like it - his show makes a lot of sense on HBO as opposed to the little sense it made to run on one of the networks a few years ago - ABC perhaps? It works on HBO.
"We know there's something wrong with this country when people that work at Wal-Mart are the people that favor repealing the estate tax."
I couldn't have said it better myself. The religious right is using the "Gays erode family value" speech to get everything they want voted for. So frustrating but until the Democrats figure out a way to expose and take advantage of this fact it's going to continue.
Is it politically incorrect to point out that alleged rapist Brian Nichols' (the guy that shot up GA) guard, a five-foot-one-inch 51-year-old grandmother named Cynthia Hall, should perhaps not have been guarding the 33-year-old former college linebacker who stands 6'1" and weighs 210 pounds?
I would like the DL on what happened with Tyler Hirsch, the Gopher hockey team's leading scorer, who did not play in Saturday night's game. Allegedly, he freaked out after Friday night's loss and was not allowed to play in Saturday's game as a result.
So the Red Lake shooting is tragic and awful. Obviously.
I like the idea of Zipcar - it's been in Boston since I moved here. You pay a membership fee to below to this group, then you have access to cars to use at an hourly rate - a better deal at $5-15 / hour instead of having to rent a rental car for 24 hours. The idea works well in Boston - you don't need a car to get most places, but it's nice to have one to go on daytrips, Target, the grocery store. You get the idea.
Q: What is the best thing about wireless internet in your house?
Here's an interesting article that basically says that with a $40,000 salary, you'll be able to fulfill basic needs and that will bring you happiness. I think it's a decent theory - though I would question this amount without including the cost of living differential... $40K in J-town would make you the richest man in town whereas in Boston it's barely enough to make it.
So iDine / Rewards Network is changing their style as of July 1 of this year - it's moving to a tiered system. It's definately a bad move... Based on your activity, you'll be placed in a tier (1, 2, or 3) and if you're in the top tier, you'll earn 5 miles/$1 spent, tier 2 is 3 miles/$1, and tier 3 is 1 mile/$1 spent. Definately a downward turn to the program because right now you mostly earn 10 miles/$1 spent :(
After the second round, I'm still sitting ok in my West Coast and Midwest pools. Again, I may not continue to do well in the future so I'm going to write about it right now. I'm tied for first in my 15 person West Coast pool, and tied for second in my 39 person Midwest pool. I was stoked that Wake Forest got bumped, not so happy about Kansas and Georgia Tech's exits. I'll keep you updated.
My favorite airports:
In spite of the "True Love Waits" program which began in 1993 and urged 12% of US teens to vow to abstain from sex until marriage, a study now finds that upwards of 3/4 of those who took this pledge had sex before marriage anyway. Their rates for sexual activity and STDs are about the same rates as those who did not pledge, and their rates of oral and anal sex are even higher than those who did not pledge. This activity is believed to be higher because these types of sex are "loopholes" in the I-won't-have-sex-till-I'm-married pledge.
I was disappointed to read this article that talks about TCF being a contender to secure the proposed Gopher football stadium naming rights. Here's a quote from the article: "The benefits for a lead sponsor, in addition to public goodwill, typically include..."
I just came across this gift card machine in a train station in Boston and think it's a fabulous idea. I'm sure it was left over from a Christmas shopping initiative, but even outside of the holiday shopping season it makes sense. How much does it suck when you have to drive around to all the stores to buy gift cards for holiday gifts? Almost as much of a pain in the ass as buying actual gifts for people in stores.
In February, my dad spoke at a farmer meeting in Sioux Falls. Here's an excerpt from the story that was written about it:
I just found another picture from my trip to Texas last week - for dinner on Sunday night before our Monday meetings, I went with a bunch of guys to grab steak (we're in Texas, ya know) across the street from the Bahama Breeze. One of my work guys' HS girl friends now lives in Dallas so she met up with us at dinner. She was interesting.
Right now, I have 7 points (I'm 7/8 - goddamn Utah) in my W. Coast bracket (I'm also in a Midwest bracket, in case I reference that later) and am leading the pack. I know this is a little premature to be bragging, but just in case I end the tournament with 7 points I want to be able to truthfully post that I am winning. And as of right now I am.
I hope you've got your bracket completed - I'm going to try to post mine on my blog once the games begin tomorrow. I have a date set-up to watch the Gophers game with on Friday (not a real date, but a Boston based GMI employee UofM alumni) and am hoping my bracket stands up over the next few weeks. I found this Basketball site helpful in planning my bracket - check it.
Marc continually asks me about AKPsi gossip and I rarely have any good stuff. Here's some, though - Brian Durmaskin, AKPsi member, profile. OK, so I admit it isn't exactly gossip but it's Heather's little brother and relates to AKPsi. That's all folks.
I'm sure you didn't, unless you're my mom reading this. Anyway, I tuned into the end of Letterman because I've gotten into the habit of watching Craig Ferguson's Show and I saw the musical performance of The Four Tops. Don't worry - I couldn't identify them but at the end of the show they were thanked so I figured out which group it was. The reason I cared was because one of the (original) members of the group, Obie (pictured below) is crazy. He couldn't keep up with the choreographed dancing, he couldn't remember to sign into his mike, etc. It was quite comical to watch.
The fun will be mine this weekend - check out the photo show...
In light of the Irish Holiday coming up on Thursday, I'd like to include you on some info I just found out about. There are two types of bagpipes - Scottish (which I already knew of) and Irish. Irish Bagpipes? Who knew. Apparently they're quite different, as the linked article details.
I drove to Back Bay to meet Zippy for dinner at the Parish Cafe tonite and luckily snagged a parking spot with only 1 loop around the block. Then, when I got out to fill the meter with my quarters, I found that it had 1:19 left on it, and since it was 6:45pm I only needed 1:15 on the meter until 8pm when meters don't need $ anymore.
I think "tonite" is a word. I interchange it with "tonight". Am I dumb? I started to think I might be dumb when I noticed "tonite" doesn't make it through a Microsoft spellcheck. Nor is it included in the dictionary of my predictive text on my phones. Then I checked with and this is the definition for the word I thought mean "this evening":
Nokia partners with Virgin Mobile for new cell phone
I'm SOOOO enthralled with this blog - it's a mom's blog about her daughter. Sounds annoying, except for the number of charts and graphs she's associated with her daughter's life. Impressive. I like it. The rest of the blog is fine - stories, pictures, etc. but it's the graphs that I like the mostest.
Seriously, if I look this bad at 45, please shoot me and put me out of my misery. Good lord.
I'm watching The Big Chill for probably the third or fourth time and I really like it. I know it's a little cheesy but classic acting and a good story. Plus, I just like the idea of all of my college friends getting together in 10 years for a long weekend holed up in a big house in the South hanging out, drinking, and doing drugs. Except without the funeral to initiate the whole thing.
Thanks to Natalie for suggesting I add The Dose website to my blog. So far, my favorite part are the Hom Chronicles telling of the author's encounters with his landlord's mother who lives in the same building. Not quite the tales of Mrs. Chan (you have poor circulation) but still funny. Also featured on the site are stories of leaving disposible cameras in public places and seeing if they get returned and letters written to various companies.
One of my favorite museums (yes, I do like some museums) in DC was the Newseum, chronicling the history of news. It closed in Arlington but is reopening on the Mall in DC in 2007. However, right now their website shows the front pages of hundreds of newspapers from around the world. It's super fun - check it out. Unfortunately, it doesn't seem like you can enlarge them too much but you can at least read the headlines. They used to post these up in the museum daily but the online version is fun, too.
A quick follow-up to Alicia's post on a Famous Jacksonite - my hometown paper now has an article on the death of Walter Halloran - who participated in the exorcism that inspired The Exorcist. Here's their wrap up.
ICQ has come up twice in the past 2 days after I haven't thought about it in probably 5 years. On Friday, I was on a conference call discussing the differing IM programs that work on our Nokia phones - they will NOT be supporting ICQ. No shit - who uses it anymore???
I am a huge fan of Netflix overall. However, I have one thing about the system that is really starting to annoy me. I have a ton of movies in my queue, and while I realize that I can sort them any way I please, I wish I could have some help sorting. For example, I'd like to be able to hit a button in order to sort movies by year, or genre, or alphabetically. That's right, I mean re-sort the entire list based on one of these variables. I'd like to mix up my list a bit, and then figure out what I really want at the top.
Some of you, especially if you've visited my apartment in Southie, have heard of Crazy QVC lady who lives next door to me. I couldn't help but capture the essence of her craziness this last week. I couldn't fake this - one day she had 6 packages from QVC, the very next day she got no less than 5 boxes from QVC (see pictures below). These aren't packages that piled up for a week - each were one day totals.
I'm not sure if any of you are familiar with Bahama Breeze - I've now eaten there twice for team dinners with my current job. You may know how I feel about chain restaurants (you should never choose to eat at a chain restaurant, only use them as a last resort) with some/several exceptions (Chipotle, Panara, Don Pablo's). I feel like my bias against chain restaurants is justified, even though I do not boycott them all together.
I really think the airport nail salon is a superior idea, but Dallas' airport has the airport barbershop already in place - I saw it on Tuesday as I was headed back to Boston.
Nokia's N-Gage (the original and QD version) have struggled both in the US and abroad. Since this used to be my #1 focus for work, it was nice to hear that "Nokia Sees N-Gage Redesigns, Considering CDMA" in the device's future. It's good they're looking to the third generation of the device.
Happy Birthday, Heather!
Unfortunately, Blaine is too busy a counting this busy season so he's not hosting a NCAA tourney pool :( Fortunately, I'm sure somebody has a work/friends/somebody pool that I can jump in on in the next few weeks?
It's still my blog. I just decided I needed a new template that's pinker. Now it is. Hope you like!
An article about John Bolton being appointed ambassador to the UN included the picture seen below. Serious, I've never seen more superimposing in my life. Condi is obviously slipped in there - plus his lapel is overlapping her red jacket? His mustache? His hair? Her blinging earring?
I'm in Dallas for work today and got a new phone - I'm now using the hot new Nokia 6682 - not available in stores, people. Good times with Nokia.
I'm happy to say I experienced my first earthquake this morning at about 1:15am. In Boston. I immediately Googled "Boston Earthquake" but nothing came up - after 20 minutes of no articles posting I gave up and went to bed. This morning, I told John I felt an earthquake last night and he said I'm going crazy. Au contraire (sp?).
I was reading an article with the adjective Byzantine in it and decided to do some research into the word. My guess as to the definition was "long standing, unnecessarily complex". I looked it up and it turns out I'm fairly close - the definition for the type of usage I'm thinking of is below:
The top news story in Minneapolis today is that 2 people were shot in Minneapolis on Friday afternoon. A few things stood out to me regarding the story:
Why aren't there nail boutiques in airports? I've got an hour to kill and am bored - why not get a manicure? It makes sense when you think about it. Better than a hair salon b/c I have a regular stylist. But I don't care who does my nails as long as the work is decent. I will make someone millions with this idea.
Martha Stewart has been released from jail and is on her way home. The big question is what's next for Martha? While this is interesting to ponder, I was most interested in the CNN poll that's published. It's looking at men's opinions of the whole Martha fiasco vs. women's opinions of it. Let's play their game!
I have a VCR and approximately 20 tapes. I am considering getting rid of them because truthfully, I have lived in my apartment for 10 months and haven't watched any of them once. I have, you may wonder, used my VCR in the last 10 months. I tried taping the last episode of Friends in May because I had a work event that night. I taped the wrong thing at the wrong time or something - end result - I've never seen the last episode of Friends. That's all the work my VCR has had in the last 10 months. I think it's time.
YESTERDAY - Bubba, 22 lb lobster, is moving from the Pittsburgh Fish Market to the Zoo / Ripley's Museum. Hehe, that's a fun interesting "news of the weird" story. Yeah, big lobster!!!
Denise Richards and Charlie Sheen are getting divorced. It says they've been together since 2000, so not that long but for some reason I feel like they've been together forever. I had the same feeling when Rebecca Romijn and John Stamos got divorced. Why do I feel like these couples have been together for so long? I don't know.
How would you answer this question: Are you for or against toll roads?
A few of you got an express email regarding this promotion - if you didn't get an email from me, I didn't know you had a Yahoo login.
Since my freshman year when one of my Wisconsin friends (likely Christina) explained how reciprocity between Minnesota and Wisconsin worked, I've thought the system was bullshit. To me, reciprocity works like it does between Minnesota and South Dakota - essentially, you can go to school in SD and pay as though you were an instate student. To me, that makes sense.
I heart Craigslist. I have for the past 2 years, and now love it even more. I just found "Best of Craigslist" which are super fun to read. Almost more fun than a blog to browse?